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Showing posts from September, 2015

Giveaway Winners Announced!

A big THANK YOU goes out to everyone who participated in this giveaway and helped promote Precious Atonement. You guys are the best! I let Rafflecopter choose the winners at random from all eligible entries. However, I could not let it display them because my sweet, sneaky son entered the giveaway without telling me - and got picked!  I had to disqualify him, of course, because I couldn't let a family member win. LOL Don't worry. I'll reward him for his good intentions. ;) The official winners are... Come Back theme book thong Eva Solar Precious Atonement theme book thong  Elizabeth Hartman Seckman  Autographed copy of Precious Atonement C. Lee McKenzie   $30 Amazon gift card Toinette Thomas Congratulations! Thanks again to everyone who participated. :)

Time is running out!

The deadline for entering my giveaway is quickly approaching. In a hurry? Struggle with techie stuff? No more excuses! I've put direct links below to make the manual tasks easier for you. Just do them by clicking these links, then go into the Rafflecopter form and take credit for it. :)

Just when you thought you were safe

I'm over at Patsy Collins' blog today with some grammar tips. The Grammar Goddess is back! :D

Desperate Housewives

We're not really desperate. I just wanted to hook you. Yes, we are . - Elizabeth Seckman Speak for yourself . - Tara Tyler Robinson 'Desperate' is not in my vocabulary.           Neither is 'fifty' or 'grey.' - Beth Fred Oh-kay. Moving on...

Promo Friday - September

It's time for Promo Friday again! ...on Saturday. So, I'm a little late. Oops. The Affected BOGO is almost upon us… Author Randi Lee is running a buy one, get one promotion for two of her books: purchase a copy of Randi Lee’s “Affected” between September 14—22, 2015 and receive a free eBook version of “Snap! A Quite Quick Collection.” 

Feelin' the love

Are you sick of me yet? I'm being mentioned on so many blogs, I'm having to double up on posts! :P New mom and spunky, friendly blogger Randi Lee is featuring me on her blog today. I hope you'll pay Randi a visit. On a more serious but just as grateful note, I was surprised and touched last week to come across a review of Precious Atonement that was written by Pat Garcia. I'm not kidding--her heart-felt words nearly made me cry. (I won't lie, either. I also got up out of my chair and did a little happy dance.) Pat lives in Germany and generously posted her review on the German Amazon site as well as her review blog. Thank you, Pat! Have a restful Labor Day. Thanks for stopping by. :)

C. Lee Mckenzie is taking it off! Again!

She really, really is this time. I promise. :) Lee is featuring Precious Atonement on her blog today, and so is  Lisa Buie-Collard. Lisa is posting an excerpt .  I hope you'll pay both these talented ladies a visit. The sale is almost over! Tomorrow is the last day you'll be able get Precious Atonement for 99c. Kindle   ~  Nook Have you entered my giveaway? There are points you can earn every day! a Rafflecopter giveaway Thanks for stopping by. Don't forget to visit Lee & Lisa ! :)

Friday First Kiss with Lily Graison

I'm at Lily Graison's blog today, taking part in 'Friday First Kiss,' with an excerpt from Precious Atonement . If you're curious about Rachel and Jacob's first kiss, pop on over. :) Note: Precious Atonement is on sale. For a limited time, both books are just 99c each. Have you entered my giveaway yet? Even if you have, there are still points you can earn! a Rafflecopter giveaway Wanna see the book thongs you could win? Custom book charms made by Anne Berkeley . Book thongs made by me. :)

IWSG September - If you can't say something nice

This is my Insecure Writers Support Group post for September. It's the 4th anniversary of IWSG! Alex's awesome co-hosts this month are:  Heather M. Gardner , Christine Rains , Dolorah at Book Lover Julie Flanders & Murees Dupé Please stop by their blogs and say thank you . And be sure to check the IWSG website .                                                    There's a big announcement today! I'm sure you've heard the saying If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all . ( It was grumbled , sermonized, and snapped at me more times in my youth tha n I care to remember . ) That's a good rule of th um b for relating to others , but it could also benefit us write rs when we talk to oursel ves. Next time you find yoursel f hav in g some negative,...

Eat at Jo's

Well, you can't really eat at Jo's, but those recipes she posts make you wish you could. Jo Wake was kind enough to mention Precious Atonement on her blog today. As a special treat, she's including a recipe for a dish that was mentioned in the book. I hope you'll pay her a visit. :) In other news... It's my mother's birthday today.  Happy Birthday, Mom! :D Precious Atonement is on sale for 99c.  Only a few days left! Kindle   ~  Nook (P.S. Check my IWSG post today for a giveaway.) Thanks for visiting. :)