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Showing posts from June, 2024

IWSG - Goal progress & cover reveal

  This is my   Insecure Writers Support Group   post for JUNE. Alex's awesome co-hosts this month  are:  Liza at Middle Passages,   Shannon Lawrence,   Olga Godim , and me. Please stop by their blogs and say thank you .  💻💻💻💻💻 Earlier this year, I posted some bold goals . I decided to give an update on them for my IWSG post today.  I'm also revealing the cover of my next book. You can skip to that if you want. 😉 Here are the goals for 2024 and my progress (or not): Publish book 4 in my western series by June . Not going to make that deadline. But I will publish it this year, possibly even this summer. Develop a regular social media / newsletter schedule by March & send out 3 to 4 newsletters this year . I'm still working on this. I blog monthly for IWSG and Cowboy Kisses, but I need to do more with Pioneer Hearts Facebook group.  The only newsletter that has gone out is this cover reveal. That said, I will have at least two more by the end of the year, one for re