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It's your turn to gloat

I know it's not Monday, but my next two are booked, so I thought I'd throw a little grammar your way on a Wednesday.

See this picture?

This is a printout of my manuscript... after the proofreader got ahold of it.
Each colorful little tab you see marks a mistake.

Now I don't want to make my CPs look bad. I asked them for a beta this time around, not a line-by-line, so they weren't being picky.

Anyhow, this is proof that even Grammar Goddesses can't edit their own work.

Feel better now?


  1. Wow! So what does each color mean?

  2. Uh-oh! Now I'm wondering what my stuff will look like when it comes back from the creative editor...

  3. Yay for finished manuscripts! Yay? for proofreaders? lol!

  4. No!
    I knew I should have got a professional proof-reader to check mine. I'll feel very embarrassed if someone points out even one mistake, and I've most likely missed zillions!

  5. At least it looks as colorful as can be

  6. No one can edit their own work. It's not possible!

  7. Considering how many typos escaped me that my CP found, all I can say is, I feel your pain. O_o

    1. You know, Mason, quite a few of these were missing words and missing letters--'of' instead of 'off,' a missing 'the' or 'a'--that kind of thing. Problem is, I know what it's supposed to say, so my eyes gloss right over it.

  8. I've had the same happen to me. It's a bit alarming at first--since I believe my grammar is great--but it's awesome to receive help.

  9. It's so much easier to find mistakes in other people's writing, isn't it? One of my betas found errors in my manuscript that made me cringe. Hey, it happens!

  10. I'm sure, if I ever get to this point, I will cringe to see the returned, proof copy of anything I write. I am not grammar queen nor terribly nit-picky.

    1. Don't sweat it, Julie. That's what editors are for. We all need them ;)

  11. I think it's always easy to miss stuff, especially if you wrote it, hence the need for another pair of eyes. You gotta love the colors though. :)

  12. But look how bright and colorful it is! :D

  13. Hey Melissa,

    Ever notice when somebody isn't sure what sort of punctuation to use, they do this.......

    I shall duly overlook your misspelling of proper English! LOL

    Actually, who needs a proofreader? Grammar anarchy is actually the way forward, so there.......

    Gary :)

  14. I used to think I was pretty decent at grammar, but I quickly learned I'm not. And no, no matter how excellent your grammar skills, you can never catch all of your own mistakes.

  15. Of course, even editors (and grammar police) need editors to proof their work. Fresh eyes always find things we can't see. It's suicide to think we can proof our own work.

  16. Excited about your upcoming release. It's funny how little things (and sometimes big) can sneak by us.


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