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Release Day! To Have & To Hold by Scarlet Knight

I set a goal of publishing two books by the end of the year, and -by the skin of my teeth and much lost sleep- I met that goal. Help me celebrate the release of book baby number two by my alter ego, Scarlet Knight!

(Contest winners announced below)

The Sweetwater Duet
Contemporary Paranormal Romance
with a dash of the past

(Cover by Carrie Butler)

True love is worth sacrifice. 

Miles and Lauren Barrett have begun their new life together, but little about it is conventional, and even less is certain. The only thing the two of them can count on—unless Miles effects a miracle—is centuries of torment.

Attraction made them friends, but cruel fate bonded them for life. Will Miles and Lauren’s fledgling love be enough to brace them for the perilous future ahead, or will their aberrant destiny tear them apart?


Author’s note: Miles and Lauren’s story continues in this paranormal romance sequel to An Honorable Man. Although book two can be enjoyed alone, it will be much more meaningful to those who’ve read book one. To Have & To Hold is light on violence, but not on heat. It contains adult themes and sex scenes, and is intended for mature readers. 

 You can purchase To Have & To Hold 
at Amazon and B&N

Book 1 is now only 99c!
Amazon  ~  B&N

To mark it or rate it on Goodreads:
AHM - book 1
TH&TH - book 2

Publisher: Truelove Press
ISBN-13: 978-0-9960397-6-5

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The winners of the newsletter drawing are...

Elizabeth S. - Swag goodie bag
Danette R. - Autographed copy of An Honorable Man
Lisa M. - $50 gift card!

Thank you for your support!


  1. Congrats! Book two out into the world.

  2. Oh wow, congratulations!! I've fallen so behind in everything I didn't realize you were writing under a pen name. Fantastic that you met your goal of getting the books out in the world. Hooray!

  3. Awesome name for a book. Congrats, Scarlet! :)

  4. Woot! Congrats on the release! I'll have to pick up my copy. :)

  5. Two books in a year sounds great to me. I wish I could be that productive. Congratulations, Melissa!

  6. Exactly what Ken said above!! Super congrats, and the very bestest of wishes :)

  7. Just seeing this. Congrats on the release, and kudos for meeting your goal. :-)

  8. Congratulations on your Release Day! This looks very interesting. I'll have to look it up :)

  9. Congrats on your release. It sounds intriguing!!!


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