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Showing posts from 2025

IWSG - Pivot!

  This is my   Insecure Writers Support Group   post for March 2025. Alex's awesome co-hosts this month  are:  Ronel Janse Van Vuuren, Pat Garcia, and Liza @ Middle Passages! Please stop by their blogs and say thank you . 💻💻💻💻💻 Thank goodness for laptops.  No, my desktop didn't die. My mom tried to. LOL  My sweet 89-year-old momma did a header onto the floor at church and banged up one of her knees. She's in a brace for now, unable to drive and needing help with most everything, so I'm staying with her for the foreseeable future. That'll teach me to procrastinate pre-scheduling my IWSG post. Instead of answering the March question, I decided to post a brief update. Part of my plan for 2025 was to evaluate my social media activities and decide which to keep. On the blogging front, I plan to keep posting for IWSG, but I decided to leave Cowboy Kisses. As I told the blog hostess, it was a difficult choice and purely a business decision. She has been...

IWSG - Snow Day

  This is my   Insecure Writers Support Group   post for February 2025. Alex's awesome co-hosts this month  are:  Joylene Nowell Butler, Louise Barbour, & Tyrean Martinson! Please stop by their blogs and say thank you .  💻💻💻💻💻 February 5 question - Is there a story or book you've written you wish you could go back and change? The short answer is no. Nothing significant about them, anyway. The first two novels I ever wrote got put aside for years. I debuted with #3 and published #4 as my second. By the time I went back to publish the first two (under a different pen name), they had gone through countless edits, and I hadn't seen them in years. I had become a better writer by then, and thanks to them being shelved for so long, I was able to be much more objective and polish them up quite a bit.  They don't get rave reviews like my westerns, but they are wayyy better than their original versions.  I'm lucky I had the self-awareness - and th...

IWSG - Taking 2025 by storm

  This is my   Insecure Writers Support Group   post for January 2025. Alex's awesome co-hosts this month  are:  Natalie Aguirre , Rebecca Douglass , Liza , & Beth Camp Please stop by their blogs and say thank you .  💻💻💻💻💻 I decided to skip the question of the month and give an update on my progress. I've done a dismal job of keeping up with my author planner. It's a good planner; I just need to make using it a habit.  Resolution #1 for 2025 is sit down at least once per month and make goal progress notes . From my 5-year Plan I only accomplished one goal from this list in 2024 -  change my work hours from full time to part time  - but I set myself up to meet another.  I've master-planned a new 16-book series. Whether I'll meet the goal of publishing 4+ books per year remains to be seen, but the groundwork has been laid, and all the books are set in and around the same fictional town (which will  reduce the amount of resear...