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Showing posts from August, 2018

Starving The Beast

I've been on hiatus for quite some time, and I'm feeling the bite. Social media is a beast that dies if you don't feed it. The same goes for author fame and book royalties. Nearly three years ago, I transferred hospitals and went from part-time to full-time. Then a little over a year ago, a radical change in my personal life thrust me into the role of single mother to three teens. I've managed, but it has all but extinguished my writing career. It also lowered my search engine status and the number of visitors to my blog when I do post. And my book royalties have taken a big hit. I realize not publishing a novel in almost four years has been a significant factor, but the lack of blogging and tweeting hasn't helped. My spirit is also lagging. I love writing, and I miss it terribly. Worst of all, I feel like I've let my readers down. I have all these ideas for stories but no time to research and write them. I know that will eventually change, but will my...