Several months ago (we won't say how many), Eva Solar gave me the Encouraging Thunder award. I'm flattered, but I think Eva's the one who encourages thunder and everyone around her. I'd seen Eva around the blogosphere, but I got to know her when she joined a private goal group I'm a part of. Let me tell you, this woman is an inspiration. She's been through hell and back and yet, somehow, manages to maintain a positive outlook and a vivacious, supportive personality. Our group and the blogospere at large wouldn't be the same without Eva. I have the option to name names and pass on the award, but so many people have encouraged me over the years, I wouldn't know where to begin listing them all. So I'll thank Eva and you, too, if you're one of those people, and if you're a regular part of my online life, you are. :) I cloned myself today. I'm over at Crystal Collier's blog , telling two truths and doing a smidgen of fibbing. If