First, I'd like to announce the winners of last week's giveaway. The winners of the 5-page critiques are : First crit: Natasha Hanova of ' Writes By Moonlight ' Second crit: Hope Roberson of ' Writing With Hope ' And the third crit--two crits actually (because I'm feeling generous = P)--go to... Sara H. & Joel P. , two of the OYANer students who are studying writing using the One Year Adventure Novel curriculum. Sara & Joel are home-schooled students, both in 11th grade. The winner of the $15 Amazon gift card is : Jamie DeMoville Adams Woot!!! Here's proof Rafflecopter chose -- not me: = ) To everyone who participated - Thank you! And to C.B. Wentworth - Thanks for the award and the kind mention. ; ) Visitors - if you haven't started following CB's blog, you should. I also wanted to throw this in... For a super-interesting post on indie publishing by Susan Kaye Quinn, click here . ### Now for today