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Showing posts from 2015

Hopefully, this isn't goodbye

Most of you have probably noticed by now that my social media presence has been practically nonexistent. I've been a lousy blogger and return visitor, and I hate it, but there wasn't much I could do about it. My alter-ego's life has radically changed. Due to factors outside my control, I'm going to have to go on hiatus...a real, serious hiatus. I won't even be doing IWSG or promo posts for a while.

Promo Friday - Special Edition

It's time for Promo Friday again! Well, not really. I needed to run the December post early, and my guest graciously obliged.  Blogger / writer J.Q. Rose has a new book. Some of you will remember her from the anthology of writing tips she put together. Today, the book she's promoting is a sweet romantic suspense titled Deadly Undertaking . (Clever title.) Congratulations, Janet! :D

Cover Reveal - The Undead Road by David Powers King

Woot! It's time for the cover reveal of The Undead Road by David Powers King. David has become a good cyber-friend, and I'm very excited for him. (Great cover, dude!) Make sure to read the details below--this cover reveal includes a very cool and unique contest!

Mom did it again!

We're a prolific family, at least where writing is concerned. LOL I'm happy to announce that my mom, Jeanette Pierce, has published a second set of workbooks, this time via Elk Lake Publishing and based on the Western Christian Romance When The Cowboy Rides Away by Molly Noble Bull . These workbooks are designed for use by private schools, home schools, and individuals, and are available on Amazon .

IWSG November - A gift for you

This is my Insecure Writers Support Group post for November. Alex's awesome co-hosts this month are:  Stephen Tremp, Karen Walker,   Denise Covey, and Tyrean Martinson! Please stop by their blogs and say thank you .  My personal life is taking over with a vengeance , and my social media presence is all but non-existant . Bec ause my writing has come to a screeching halt, and my insecurities - both writing and not - are too numerous to list , I decided to re-post something to help you with your writing. It's an old post from in 2013 . It was aimed at people doing NANO, but it's for anyone wants tips to speed up their wri ting.

New Release - REVIVAL: The Donald Braswell Story by Mark Koopmans

I'm thrilled today to be part of Mark Koopmans' book release blog tour. Mark is a talented writer and a funny, kind guy, whom I'm grateful to call friend. Tomorrow is the official release day for REVIVAL: The Donald Braswell Story , but we're starting this party early. Congratulations, Mark! :D From Juilliard to jumper cables; from wasting all the talent in the world to America's Got Talent, REVIVAL —The Donald Braswell Stor y is a memoir about the "Texas Tenor" who lost his voice in a random accident, but finds his calling through faith—and a musical miracle. ### I must interject that I have had the pleasure of reading REVIVAL , and I can assure you it's a well-written, compelling story that is very much worth your time. Hands down, REVIVAL earns five stars. Here's Mark... Aloha, Thanks Melissa for inviting me to begin my book tour here. (You’re so brave!) Tomorrow is the actual Launch Day of my first book, REVIV