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Showing posts from May, 2020

Some highlights from the past 8 years

It's less than five hours before this post goes live, and I'm undecided over what to write. No good topic comes to mind, so I'll link some of the popular blog posts from over the years. Feel free to pick and choose what you like. Beginning writers might find Showing & Telling and The Snobbish Rules of Fiction helpful. If you're new to critiques, try What's a Critique? It includes a list of abbreviations and critique lingo. Do you struggle with info dumps ? Would you like to write faster ?

Pub & Promo Help from L. Diane Wolfe

L. Diane Wolfe has formatted for me in the past. She's professional and talented, so when I heard how the pandemic had hindered her ability to earn a living with in-person classes, I offered to help her get the word out about her webinars. For a very reasonable price, you can learn about publishing and promoting your books in the safety and comfort of your own home.