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Promo Friday - September

It's time for Promo Friday again!
...on Saturday. So, I'm a little late. Oops.

The Affected BOGO is almost upon us…

Author Randi Lee is running a buy one, get one promotion for two of her books: purchase a copy of Randi Lee’s “Affected” between September 14—22, 2015 and receive a free eBook version of “Snap! A Quite Quick Collection.” 

“Eight years ago, the fear of a nosebleed did not exist. Then came The Affection...”

For the past six years, Ethan has lived a quiet life away from the troubles of The Affection. However, when his ex-girlfriend is captured and taken to be experimented upon, Ethan can no longer pretend the world around him doesn't exist. On his way to save her, Ethan is thrust into a place of turmoil, espionage and conspiracies. Will he be able to handle the pressures of reality? Will he be able to save her in time?

It all begins with a braid—something simple yet, when molded by caring hands, something that can be weaved into a chassis for emotion, insight and inspiration.”  

“Snap!” is a patchwork quilt of short stories, summaries and poems that play host to a vivid spectrum of emotional stimuli. It pines to illicit feelings of joy, affection, tenacity, reluctance, forgiveness, loss and many different aspects of love. It contains relatable snippets of life, reminding readers that they are not alone in their own minds; others share the same moments of laughter, drama, love and loss that they do. 

The mission of “Snap!” is this: to afford its readers a sense of communal understanding—while providing laughter, tears, compassion and mayhem in the process. Between two braids, a realm of the familiar awaits.

To receive your free eBook, e-mail a copy of your receipt for the purchase of “Affected” to:

 “Affected” by Randi Lee is available on major online bookselling sites, such as: Amazon, Barnes & Noble, kobo and Powell’s. Visit for more details.

The Precious Atonement e-book sale is over, but there's still time to enter my giveaway. If you've already entered, use the daily tasks to earn more points!

Thanks for visiting. :)
Remember: the next Promo Friday is scheduled for October 9th.
Deadline for submitting content is Wednesday, October 7th.  

Submission guidelines can be found on my contact page.

(Promo Friday is a monthly service I provide to my followers.


  1. Hi Melissa! Thank you so much for the post and support!! You're one classy lady, you are! Xoxoxo

  2. Sounds like a very different story. I do not like nosebleeds especially as I had one humdinger of one when I was about 14. It was extremely difficult for my mother to stop.


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