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IWSG - Lots to celebrate

 This is my Insecure Writers Support Group post for August 2024.

Please stop by their blogs and say thank you

Because AI has become such a divisive topic - to a level that authors' careers are being harmed over the mere suspicion of its use - I have decided to skip this month's question.  I haven't been the victim of any attacks that I'm aware of, and I don't use AI to make my covers or write my books, but Id rather err on the side of not making myself a target.

On a brighter note, going part time at my job has paid off. 😊 I finished the first draft of the next book in my western series. Now the editing begins. Fun, fun. Not.

(Actually, it is kind of fun to see the whole thing finally come together.)

I'm reviving my Street Team. If you or anyone you know is interested in joining, please fill out the form. Members choose how and when they participate, are privy to information before the general public, get to read my books for free before they're published, and are eligible for exclusive giveaways.

I'm also looking for people willing to make a release announcement for this book. If you would consider giving Battered Pride a shoutout on your blog or other social media, please sign up on this short form. When the time comes, I'll send the images and information, and you can decide if and how you want to be involved. No strings. 

Thanks to an apparent glitch, my US US & foreign Amazon ads stopped delivering impressions. They finally started working again.
(Pink bars represent impressions.)

The problem with these glitches is that your books loose rank, and it doesn't get restored when the glitch is fixed. I had put my books at 99c for a whole month to gain rank, and now I'll have to leave them at that price point a little longer. Do better, dear Zon.

Last but not least, it's cover reveal day for H. R. Sinclair’s Bloodstone, an urban fantasy coming this fall!

Family secrets hold the key to buried magic. Her legacy awaits.

Preorders are available now!

If you don't know Holly, connect with here here: She's a favorite on the blogosphere.

That's all for now. Thanks for visiting!


IWSG is the brainchild of Alex J. Cavanaugh. It's a monthly bloghop that offers a safe haven for writers to express their feelings and concerns without fear of appearing foolish or weak. It's also a venue for offering  support, both in the form of comments and positive posts. Writers of all kinds are welcome. 

We 'meet' the first Wednesday of every month. If you're interested in learning more, click on the link above. And don't be intimidated by the size of the group. We're not expected to visit everyone on the list


  1. Congrats on finishing your first draft. I couldn't access the form but I'd be glad to shout out about your book in my Follower News.

  2. Great cover, Holly!
    That sucks Amazon messed up. And that they won't fix it for the time they messed up.

  3. I tried to sign up to help with the release but the form said the event is closed.

    1. Sorry!
      I corrected the link for the release announcement.

  4. That's wonderful you finished! I'd be happy to help you promote the book.

    1. Thank you! And sorry! The link has been fixed.

  5. Woot woot! Awesome about finishing! (BTW, do I need to respond to the email about your street team? I took that not responding would leave me on there, right?)

  6. Thank you MM! I sighed up for the street team, and I tried to sign up on the other form too, but it said it was closed.

  7. Oy! The link has been fixed.
    I should know better than to #blogtired LOL Thank you everyone!

  8. Hi, Congrats on finishing your first draft. I think I have finally found the fix for commenting on your blog. I would like to be on your street team. Shalom shalom

  9. Great news, Milessa. Hope all goes well and there are no more screw-ups!

    1. I think I signed up to help, but not sure. The form didn't seem to submit.


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